Why You Should Consider an EV Charger Installation in Benalla

Man plugging in EV car charger

As electric vehicles (EVs) become increasingly popular in our area, the need for convenient and efficient charging solutions is more important than ever. Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner in Benalla, installing an EV charger is a forward-thinking decision that not only enhances your property’s value but also supports sustainable living.

Here’s why getting an EV charger installation in Benalla is a smart move, along with key considerations to keep in mind during the process.

What If You Installed an EV Charger at Your Benalla Home or Business?

Imagine you’re a homeowner or business owner in Benalla, and you’ve just taken the plunge into the world of electric vehicles. The benefits of owning an EV are clear—lower running costs, reduced emissions, and a smooth, quiet drive.

But what if you went one step further and installed your very own EV charger? This decision not only enhances your daily life with the convenience of a full battery every morning but also prepares you for the future of transportation, ensuring you’re always ready to go.

What If You Installed an EV Charger at Home?

You start your day just like any other, but instead of rushing to a public charging station or waiting in line this time, you unplug your EV from the charger in your garage. Overnight, while you slept, your vehicle quietly charged, ensuring a full battery by morning.

The convenience is unparalleled—you no longer need to plan your schedule around finding a charging station or worry about whether one will be available when you need it.

But the benefits continue beyond there. Over time, you notice a difference in your electricity bills. You’re saving money every month by taking advantage of off-peak rates and possibly integrating your EV charger with a solar power system. These savings, coupled with an electric vehicle’s already lower running costs, are putting more money back in your pocket.

And then, as the property market heats up, you decide to put your home on the market. Potential home buyers are increasingly looking for houses with EV chargers, recognising the growing trend toward electric vehicles. Your home stands out, attracting more interest and possibly fetching a higher sale price.

What seemed like a simple decision to install an EV charger has become a key selling point, adding significant value to your property.

What If You Installed an EV Charger at Your Business?

Now, imagine you’re a business owner in Benalla. You decide you want to install an EV charger in your company’s parking lot. The impact is immediate. Your employees who drive EVs appreciate the convenience of being able to charge their vehicles while they work. It’s a perk that enhances employee satisfaction and retention.

Customers visiting your business also take note. In a town where public charging stations might be limited, your EV charger becomes a draw for EV drivers who need to top up while they shop or dine. This small addition could translate into increased foot traffic and customer loyalty, setting your business apart from competitors.

Over time, you start to see an uptick in customers who prioritise sustainability. Your business earns a reputation as eco-conscious and forward-thinking. This green initiative not only bolsters your brand image but also aligns with broader corporate social responsibility goals, which could lead to new partnerships and opportunities.

And what if the government introduces incentives or rebates for businesses that support EV infrastructure? Your early investment could lead to additional financial benefits, further reinforcing your smart decision to install that EV charger.

What If You Didn’t Install an EV Charger?

But let’s flip the scenario. What if you chose not to install an EV charger at home or your business? As the number of electric vehicles on the road grows, you might find yourself increasingly reliant on public charging stations.

The inconvenience of having to detour for a charge or waiting in line could start to wear on you, reducing the overall enjoyment of owning an EV.

For your business, missing out on the opportunity to install an EV charger could mean lagging behind competitors who have embraced this change. As customers and employees increasingly seek businesses that support sustainable practices, you might lose out on potential revenue and talent.

In the property market, your home might not stand out as much as those equipped with EV chargers. As more homes come on the market with this feature, buyers may pass over your property in favour of one that offers the convenience and future-proofing that comes with an installed EV charger.

The decision to install an EV charger in Benalla is more than just a convenience—it’s an investment in your future. Whether for your home or business, the benefits are clear.

From increased property value and customer appeal to significant cost savings and environmental impact, installing an EV charger could be the key to unlocking new opportunities and ensuring you’re ready for the future of transportation.

Someone charging an ev car

Benefits of EV Charger Installation for your Benalla Property

Convenience and Accessibility

Installing an EV charger at home or in your business offers unmatched convenience. You no longer need to rely on those public charging stations, which can be time-consuming and often busy. With your own charger, you can plug in your vehicle any time you want, overnight or during work hours, ensuring it’s always ready to go when you are.

Increased Property Value

As the shift towards owning electric vehicles accelerates, homes and businesses with EV charging capabilities become more attractive to buyers and tenants. In fact having an EV charger installation in Benalla can enhance your property’s appeal, potentially increasing its market value.

Cost Savings with EV Car Charger Installations

Charging your EV at home is generally cheaper than using the public charging stations. Another potential thing to consider is installing a solar power system. because you can further reduce your energy costs by using renewable energy to power your EV vehicle.

Environmental Impact

Also, by installing an EV charger, you’re contributing to a cleaner, greener environment. As EVs produce zero emissions at the tailpipe, and by using clean energy sources for charging, you can further reduce your carbon footprint. What’s not to like about that?

Man charging his car at ev car charging station

Considerations for EV Charger Installation in Benalla

Location and Accessibility

Choosing the right location for your EV charger is crucial. The garage or driveway is ideal for homes, while businesses should consider installing chargers in easily accessible parking areas. Ensure that the installation site is as close as possible to the electrical panel, as this will help minimise installation costs. Consult with a reliable electrician in your area to see where is best to put the charger installation.

Electrical Capacity

Before getting the EV charger installed, it’s essential to assess your property’s electrical capacity. As EV chargers require a dedicated circuit, so your current electrical system may need an upgrade to handle the additional load.

It’s wise to consult with a licensed electrician specialising in EV charger installation in Benalla. It will help you determine if your electrical system is adequate or if upgrades are needed.

Charger Type and Speed

EV chargers come in different levels, with Levels 1 and 2 being the most common for home and business use. Level 1 chargers use a standard 240-volt outlet and are slower, typically adding 10-20 kilometres of range per hour. Level 2 chargers require a higher voltage (240-volt) and can provide 25-50 kilometres of range per hour. Consider your driving habits and needs for when choosing the charger type.

Safety and Compliance

Safety is paramount when installing an EV charger. Ensure the installation is carried out by a qualified professional who adheres to Australian standards and local regulations. Proper installation guarantees safe operation and ensures your warranty remains valid.


As EV technology evolves, it’s wise to consider future-proofing your installation. Opt for chargers that are compatible with future vehicle models and have features like Wi-Fi connectivity for software updates. This will help keep your charging station relevant for years to come.

Conclusion: EV Charger installations

Investing in an EV charger installation in Benalla is a practical and eco-friendly choice that offers numerous benefits. You can ensure a smooth and efficient installation process by considering factors like location, electrical capacity, and charger type.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your home’s convenience or add value to your business, an EV charger is a forward-thinking addition that aligns with the future of transportation.

In this guide